FloWith Nina

As a former high school teacher, Nina is passionate about teaching and supporting all her students to tap into their curiosity to discover their strengths and edges on the mat.

She firmly believes that yoga is for everyone and every body and is a teacher of people not poses. Her public classes and private 1:1 sessions pull from her many years of training to meet all students’ needs.

Nina likes to describe her classes and sessions as a wave. Beginning slow, she provides students opportunities to breathe, ground, and feel held by their mat. Then together, students become curious about what is possibly today in their bodies as they explore different poses, movement principles, and alignment opportunities.

Nina loves props and you’ll find that her classes and sessions incorporate props in unique and creative ways to support students.

While many poses (asanas) may be a students “goal",” the ultimate peak pose in yoga is Savasana, our final rest. All sessions end with a supported Savasana.

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Why Yoga ?

After many years of not enjoying yoga classes over and over again, I asked the same question. But while studying abroad during undergrad, I went to yoga to be immersed in Spanish. I practiced three times a week with the intention of improving my Spanish, but what I received in return was a regular yoga practice that has improved my life.

Yoga means union or to “yoke” and is a movement practice that allows us to find balance in our body. The word balance means so much whether that is balance between strength and stretch or inhales and exhales. Through this movement practice, students find ease in their bodies and ways to move and stay grounded to counter the demands on our body in a modern world.


Public Class Location & Schedule


Left Coast Power Yoga


4148 MacArthur Boulevard

Monday & Thursday 5:30-6:30 In Person

Sign up @ Leftcoastpoweryoga.com



Contact Form

One of Nina’s favorite ways to connect with students is through 1:1, or 1:2 yoga private sessions. Classes are specifically tailored to students needs. Reach out to learn more about these private offerings.